You’re invited to attend the 2020 Annual Regatta!

The 'COVID' Regatta
We are excited to announce that Fairfields will be having its annual regatta on Saturday, August 29, 2020!
Everyone is invited to book a time slot to come and celebrate the end of the summer swim season.
Like other events, the regatta will just run differently this year to adhere to our COVID-19 protocols. But don't worry, the regatta will still be filled with fun, games and treats!
The regatta is also the perfect opportunity to wear your Fairfields 60th Anniversary t-shirts!
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2020
Time Slot: 4:00pm
Location: Fairfields Pool
Regatta Details
-On Saturday, August 29, the pool will not be open for Family Swim. Instead, members need to register online for a one hour regatta time slot. 5 families will be able to register in each time slot and each family will receive one lane to swim in.
-During your time slot, your family will enjoy some family swim time as well as have the opportunity to participate in some organized games, relays and contests run by the lifeguards.
-Following your pool time, members are invited to the grass side yard to continue the fun for an additional hour! Members will be able purchase a treat from our COVID friendly snack bar and then sit on the grass to enjoy their treats.
-All snacks and drinks will be pre-packaged and volunteers will wear PPE.
-The side yard will be set up to ensure proper physical distancing.
-Snack bar items will cost $1.00 each. Cash only.
-No guests are permitted at this year's regatta.
-Adult Swim times will continue to run at their scheduled times.
Registration for the regatta will begin on Saturday, August 22, 2020.
We hope to see everybody there!
The 2020 Board of Directors & LIfeguard Team