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URGENT CALL FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS - FINAL Event Reminder: 2016 Annual General Meeting

20 Nov 2016 5:58 PM | Anonymous member

As a member owned and operated facility we rely heavily on members to volunteer for a variety of roles including joining the Board of Directors. The pool cannot operate without a Board of Directors who ensure that the pool is operational, that we have lifeguards and an amazing level of programming included as part of Membership!

Sadly, we have had no interest from any members stepping up to join the Board for the 2017 season at this time.  Tomorrow’s Annual General Meeting will still be held at 7:00PM.  Near the end of the meeting, the 2016 Board of Directors will be dissolved.  At that point if we do not have at least 4 members join the Board in the following positions, President/Communications, VP/Staffing, Treasurer & Secretary, all business at Fairfields will be suspended until a time when we do have those positions filled.  Ideally we will have all 7 Board positions filled to help disperse the workload of running a pool. 

This will seriously affect all programming, staffing, current & future grant applications and the operation and potential opening of the pool next spring.  We would also have to look at options to hire someone to run the day to day business of the pool.  Of course, if this is the route we take the annual dues will increase dramatically.

Participating on the Board of Directors doesn’t need to be a full-time job (especially if all of the Board and support positions are filled!).  However, often board members do spend a fair bit more time than a member who is not on the board.  To account for this the members voted in favour that Annual Dues be refunded to Very Active Board Members (those that contribute over 100 hours of valuable service to Fairfields Swimming Club).

We have provided links that briefly outlined the positions below and we ask that you seriously consider helping out so that we can ensure the pool operates next year! If you have any questions or want more details on specific roles please call Jenn at 289-837-1888 or email

Thank you in advance to everyone!


PS - ALL DETAILS ABOUT THE AGM ARE LISTED BELOW.  Hope to hear from you or see you there!!

Board of Director Links:

AGM Deatils:

Date: Monday November 21, 2016
Time: 7pm – 10pm (7.00pm - 7.30pm sign-in and social)
Location: Christ Church, 1700 Mazo Crescent, Mississauga, ON L5J 1Y8
Room: TBD (please check white board)

Proposed Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance & Introductions
  3. Approval of Quorum
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes from 2015 AGM Meeting
  6. Message by President
  7. Presentation by each Board Member
  8. Presentation and Approval of Financial Statements
  9. Other/New Business
  10. Questions & Answers
  11. Dissolution of 2016 Board of Directors
  12. Call for 2017 Board Members
  13. 2017 Board Member Elections
  14. Adjournment
  15. 2017 Board Members & Coordinators are asked to remain for a brief meeting.

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