Dear Parents and Swimmers of the July 16, 2016 Citi*Swim meet,
Congratulations on your first Citi*Swim meet this season! Everyone did very well!! If you haven`t received your ribbon(s) as yet, please see Chelsea R.
Although the meet was held at the Lewis-Bradley Pool in Clarkson, the meet was hosted by Frank McKechnie Pool. Among other things, the host pool is responsible for recording the results of each event (male and female: butterfly, back, breast, freestyle according to age; and mixed relays) and awarding ribbons to swimmers that placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the events.
Unfortunately, the ribbons awarded to Fairfield swimmers that we received from Frank McKechnie only indicate the name of the swimmer stapled to a 1st, 2nd or 3rd ribbon. – we have no idea what ribbon goes with what event, nor do we know the swimmer’s time. I talked to Heather MacNeil of Frank McKechnie and asked her to provide me with a spreadsheet or even a handwritten account of swimmer name, pool name, and time of those that placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd so that I would be able to match up the ribbons we received with the events and report that information to you. Heather apologized that the ribbons did not indicate event and time. She admitted that the record keeping was not done particularly well for this first meet and that it would be much better for the remaining meets (on a go forward basis ribbons will show name, event and time). She didn`t sound very optimistic about providing me with any further event information; however, she does has my contact information in case she does track down more information. If I receive anything further from Frank McKechnie, I will let you know.
Sandra Hurst-Boyd
Fairfields Citi*Swim Co-Ordinator