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General Reminders

29 May 2016 11:28 AM | Anonymous member

Thunder & Lightning Policy

Fairfields will require immediate closure of the pool in the event that lightning or thunder is present in or around the area. The pool will remain closed until 30 minutes past the last visible lightning strike or episode of thunder. The guards will write the time that they last heard/saw the event and the time that the pool reopen on the white board by the guards office.

Applying Sunscreen

You should put on sunscreen at least 1/2 an hour before arriving at the pool and to shower before entering the water. Sunscreen and foreign matter do not mix well with the hot and sunny weather. They in fact promote the growth of algae and help the pool to go cloudy. When this happens we are sometimes forced to close the pool in order to fix the problem. 


All swimmers must take a soapy shower before entering or re-entering the pool.  There is soap in both change rooms for you to use.

Food & Drink Policy

No food or drink is permitted on pool deck at anytime. Bottled water will be the only exception. There are picnic benches in the yard for you to enjoy snacks and picnics at. 

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