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Motion to Waive Annual Dues for Board Members in 2016

07 Aug 2015 10:43 AM | Anonymous member

Dear Members,

As you know, Fairfields Swimming Club is owned and run by it’s members.  This means that volunteers are required to run and maintain the club.  While the number of volunteers has declined in recent years, others have stepped up and contributed significant services to Fairfields Swimming Club.  The Board recognizes and appreciates these efforts that are essential to keep the pool running both physically and administratively.  The efforts of these volunteers is essential to our success and is greatly appreciated.  Without their efforts, we would be required to pay for additional services.

Therefore, the 2015 Board of Directors will be recommending to the 2016 Board of Directors that the Volunteer Fee be increased to $250.  This is recommended to encourage volunteering while providing the alternative of contributing funds to hire external parties to complete tasks that we don’t have volunteers for.  

The Board of Directors is also essential to the organization and most of their services cannot be outsourced.  The Board of Directors takes on additional responsibilities and is accountable to the membership.  In order to encourage and motivate participation on the Board of Directors and to recognize the increased amount of time dedicated by board members and the responsibility that is imposed upon them, the 2015 Board of Directors will be presenting the following Motion at the November 2015 Annual General Meeting.  Note that at the end of this meeting the 2015 Board of Directors will resign and a new Board of Directors will be elected for 2016.

We are advising you now so that you can be prepared to vote at the meeting or by proxy in advance of the Meeting.  This is also an excellent time for you to consider being nominated for the 2016 Board of Directors.  Please contact any of our 2015 Board members to discuss what is involved.

MOTION TO BE PRESENTED AT THE 2015 AGM:  I move that Annual Dues be waived for Very Active Board Members commencing in 2016.  A Very Active Board Member is to be defined as an Officer or Director of the Board of Directors that has contributed over 75 hours of valuable service to Fairfields Swimming Club.  The Board of Directors for that year will determine (by majority vote) whether any Board Member has not contributed over 75 hours of valuable service to Fairfields Swimming Club, in which case that member’s Annual Dues will be payable in full.

While no action is required at this time, we are sending this e-mail now for your consideration so that all members have an opportunity to ask questions or submit comments and be prepared to submit a vote for the 2015 AGM. 

If you have any other comments or suggestions for Fairfields Swimming Club please send them to:

Thank you for your participation.

2015 Board of Directors

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